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Yoga Therapy & Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Atlantic Yoga Therapy currently offers individual Yoga Therapy and Trauma-Sensitive Yoga. Sessions are tailored to suit individual needs and encompass movement and breathing practices that can address chronic pain, mental health issues, and potentially challenging, ongoing psychological and physiological patterns. Part of the practice is cultivating opportunities for conscious presence, responsive embodiment, and rest.


A modern approach to the practice of Yoga

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, developed to address the unique, often treatment-resistant expressions of chronic trauma, is now considrered an evidence-based adjunct treatment for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Current research into the efficacy of this type of movement therapy has been done through The Centre for Trauma and Embodiment


Trauma-Sensitive Yoga combines decades of research into the effects of trauma on the nervous system with aspects of the philosophy, mindfulness, movement, and breathing techniques outlined in the traditions of Yoga. This unique approach to movement therapy focuses on cultivating present-moment awareness of body sensations and regaining body autonomy through use of the language of choice and inquiry. The approach is structured around connecting with having a body, learning to observe external and internal sensory cues, connecting mind to the felt-sense within the body, learning to make choices from one's body, and potentially working to release and move stagnant energy associated with un-processed trauma. 


The practice is tailored to individual needs: It can be a practice with more or less movement, using a yoga mat or from seated in a chair. The approach highlights the use of titration (going slowly, small amounts at a time) when introducing any of the skills and practices.


Individual Yoga Therapy & Trauma-Sensitive Yoga 

You can choose between individual 1-hour sessions, or a package of 3-Sessions that involves a more comprehensive intake and a recording of an individualized practice to take home.  Sessions are tailored to consider any current, pertinent issues.


All clients will be sent a health-history and confidentiality/consent form prior to arriving to our session together.


Sliding Scale Payments ask you to consider: How do I value this service and what can I afford to pay?


Sliding Scale Payment Options

One Session (60 mins) -  $45 - $70

3 Sessions (75 mins each) - $175 - $225




Appointments times are flexible throughout the week and can be virtual or in-person. Please e-mail

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